About Wordscapes Solitaire Solver
Wordscapes Solitaire is a new type of word game from PeopleFun, the makers of Wordscapes. The game combines word-finding puzzles with game mechanics similar to solitaire. The object of the game is to find words from the letter cards on the board until there are none left.
The letter cards are often in a different layout on the board for each level. As you use letters for words, the cards beneath them will be revealed. If you are unable to find a word from the letters on the board, you can unveil a new card in your hand, like in solitaire.
However, if you end up using all the available cards in your hand without clearing the board, you will lose the level. If you need help solving the board, we have a powerful Wordscapes Solitaire word finder to show you the best words you can create out of your letter cards.
Word Finder
To use the solver, simply enter the letter cards you want to use for a word and press search. On the answer page, you’ll be able to view all of the words you can use from those letters to help you clear the cards.
To help you see which word will clear the most cards, the answers are sorted by length. If you want to search with a wildcard, you can enter a “?” to have the solver find the best words with any letter.
To download Wordscapes Solitaire, you can get it for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Tips & How to Play
To play Wordscapes Solitaire, you should first try and create the most words from the letter cards on the board. Try to use the letters from your hand sparingly so you have more chances to use them when you get stuck.
As you are looking for which letters to use, it can be helpful to use the cards with big stacks underneath. This will give you more letter options as you create a word and help you clear new spaces around the board.

Card Types
There are a few different card types in the game, introducing a unique challenge for each.
Locks and Keys
In the stack of cards, you can sometimes see a locked card. As you might expect, this card can not be used until it is unlocked by finding the correct key.
As you solve words and uncover new cards, you’ll be able to find keys in the color that matches a locked card. By creating a word with the letter card the key is sitting on, you’ll be able to unlock its correlated locked card to use it.
Enchanted Cards
Enchanted Cards are a unique type of card with a set amount of heart containers and a crown above the letter. What makes these cards difficult, is that they must be used multiple times to remove them from the board.
Their heart containers on the bottom left of the card show how many times you need to use it. Most of the time the card will only have one heart, but, sometimes you will see one with two hearts requiring you to use the card three times to remove it.
Wild Cards
Unlike the cards described above, Wild Cards actually make the game easier! These cards can show up both on the board and in your hand. They act as any letter you’d like. So if you have a good word in mind but are missing a letter, you can use the Wild Card to finish it.
What makes this extra helpful is that you don’t have to select which letter it acts as. If you are struggling to come up with a word and happen to have a Wild Card, you can try and throw it in as part of your word to see if it creates something valid.
If you are really struggling during a level, you can use Boosters to help you clear the board. These are helpful tools like the Randomizer, which changes all the letters on the board, and the hammer, which removes a card from the board. Wild Cards are also a part of the Boosters you can use, which will be added to the word that you are currently making.
Wordscapes Solitaire Levels
As you play levels in the game, you’ll move through different locations in the world. Right now, there are currently over 50 locations and 2000 levels in the game! You will first start in Ipanema, then move your way to the Australian Outback and the Taj Mahal.

As you complete levels for a location, you’ll receive a memento that gets displayed in your Library. The Library is where you can view books of words that you need to find while playing the game.
When you find all of the words in a book, you’ll receive a reward like coins. It’s a great way to earn coins while you play as well as to give you an extra challenge to look out for.