About Our Kryss Cheat Tool
Kryss is a new multiplayer crossword-style game that takes a new spin on things. Instead of a normal crossword game that gives you hints and you aim to fill out the whole board, this game pits you against your friends to see who can fill out the most.
When a match starts, you are given 5 letters. With these 5 letters, you're supposed to find places on the board where they can be played. An important note: all letters you ever get can be played somewhere.
When taking your turn, you'll want to take a look at the hints on the board. A picture of a toaster should mean the answer is "TOASTER". If you have an "E", you should play it in the second to last spot where the "E" is in "TOASTER".
Try not to place your letters in the wrong spot. While you get 1 point for each correct move, you lose 1 point for each incorrect move, so think carefully before placing your tiles.
If you complete a whole word, you'll get 1 point for each letter of that word. Try and use your letters to complete words before placing them elsewhere if possible.
To use our Kryss cheat answer finder tool, simply select the length of the word above, then fill in the slots of letters that you know and press search. We'll then give you a list of possible words that could be played on that spot with the letters that are there already. Use our list of words and the in-game hint to determine which words it might be. The more letters you're able to fill out above, the more we can narrow down the answer for you.