Brain Out Answers

About Brain Out and our Answer Tool

Brain Out is a free puzzle game that aims to tease your brain, provided by Eyewind Limited. The goal of the game is to make you think creatively and outside the box. Sometimes the question it asks you is very literal and it's just enough to throw you off. Brain Out Answers aim to provide you with just that: answers! Skip out of the complicated overthinking and simply find the solution to your level. Getting your answers to Brain Out will help save you the time and frustration of figuring it out yourself.

To use our Brain Out help tool, simply enter the level you’re on and press "Enter" or click the Search icon and we'll direct you to the answers given for that level. If an answer helped you, be sure to click the up arrow next to it so upvote it so it can help others. If an answer was incorrect or unhelpful, click the down arrow instead so other users know it's a bad answer. If you don't think any answers were helpful or, maybe, there are no answers to a question, feel free to submit your own to help others when they come across the level.

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