Figgerits Economics & Politics Level 388

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Definitions & Words

  • Something that is known by only a few - ESOTERIC
  • What does your body do when it is anxious or scared? - TREMBLE
  • You are ___ me with that inappropriate speech - OFFENDING
  • This nuclear process is when atoms split - FISSION
  • Synonym of beneficial - WHOLESOME
  • This is done with a small piece of wood and a knife - WHITTLE
  • Don't ___ me by telling stories of my childhood - EMBARRASS
  • Which warship is just below a ship of the line? - FRIGATE
  • Known for burying its head when scared - OSTRICH
  • Give up this ___, you're not fooling anyone - CHARADE
  • What does your eye do when you're amused? - GLIMMER
  • Shows a line of descent from your ancestors - LINEAGE
  • A good TV show will ___ everyone in its story - ENGROSS
  • Similar to appearance - SEMBLANCE
  • Don't get caught in one of these in the Midwest! - TORNADO
  • How does a worm move? - WIGGLE

Here are all 16 answers for Figgerits Level 388 in Economics & Politics. The full phrase comes out to be "There are still 773 million illiterate adults in the world today, and around two thirds of them are women. A big share of these women are denied the right to go to school."

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