Figgerits Economics & Politics Level 385

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Definitions & Words

  • Heaping something good onto someone - LAVISH
  • Rich is going ___, he doesn't want to be recognized - INCOGNITO
  • Similar to guilt - REMORSE
  • He has a ___ beard, it doesn't grow in some areas - PATCHY
  • What do some animals do in the winter? - HIBERNATE
  • What bored kids tend to do in class (not sleep!) - DOODLE
  • What do doctors use to help deliver babies? - FORCEPS
  • Insect named after a mythical creature - DRAGONFLY
  • The last car on the train is usually the ___ - CABOOSE
  • Opposite of briefness or brevity - LONGEVITY
  • Like a cliff or steep mountain wall - PRECIPICE
  • Todd is still young, so he has an ___ friend - IMAGINARY
  • Means the same as to sneak away - ABSCOND
  • If you say something but do the opposite - HYPOCRITE
  • What kind of structure is found in a monastery? - CLOISTER
  • Jason ___ told his friends that he doesn't trust them - CYNICALLY

Here are all 16 answers for Figgerits Level 385 in Economics & Politics. The full phrase comes out to be "Around 90% of the most advanced chips are produced in Taiwan. It is also the unmatched leader of the global semiconductor industry, accounting for 50% of the world market, making the country almost indispensable for global economy and technological development."

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