Figgerits Music Level 472

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Definitions & Words

  • Put some lights and moss in it to make a fairy __ - JAR
  • A __ person always gives a nice pep talk - WISE
  • It can be a tree or a part of a hand - PALM
  • A synonym for a rise or an upward movement - ASCENT
  • To get this ingredient simply beat the cream - BUTTER
  • In makeup, contouring is used to __ the face - SCULPT
  • Something that beautifully expresses the surrounding world - POETIC
  • Mary Shelley loved writing in this genre - HORROR
  • Two people or two things - COUPLE
  • The longest __ in the world is 24.5 kilometers long - TUNNEL
  • A heart and an ancient Roman house have this in common - ATRIUM
  • There are hundreds of abandoned uranium mines in Colorado __ - PLATEAU
  • Describe a purposeful and determined person in one word - RESOLUTE
  • A small book with a few pages about a single subject - PAMPHLET
  • A synonym for a blizzard - SNOWSTORM
  • This mineral is used for carvings and statuary - ALABASTER

Here are all 16 answers for Figgerits Level 472 in Music. The full phrase comes out to be "Music helps people with brain injuries recall personal memories."

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