Figgerits Flora Level 437

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Definitions & Words

  • A feather decoration on a headdress - PLUME
  • If you ___ red and white, you will get a pink color - BLEND
  • To tease someone in a friendly way - BANTER
  • Salt scattered in this shape will protect you from spirits - CIRCLE
  • "Not occupied" in one word - VACANT
  • This type of person never complains about the pain - STOICAL
  • To carve a text on the stone - ENGRAVE
  • To go through a procedure, usually an unpleasant one - UNDERGO
  • To make someone extremely tired - EXHAUST
  • When a person drops hints about something, you call them ___ - ALLUSIVE
  • An adjective for an action that is being done regularly - HABITUAL
  • Pepper will never ___ in water - DISSOLVE
  • It has teeth and can roar, but it's not an animal - CHAINSAW
  • An object that represents its kind and is used for studying - SPECIMEN
  • A synonym for 'breakdown' that also rhymes with it - MELTDOWN
  • A plant that looks healthy and lush - LUXURIANT
  • Rich people have it - PRIVILEGE

Here are all 17 answers for Figgerits Level 437 in Flora. The full phrase comes out to be "During the 1600s, tulips were so expensive in Holland that their bulbs cost more than gold. The period is known as Tulip Mania, and it resulted in the crash of the Dutch economy."

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