Figgerits Flora Level 425

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Definitions & Words

  • It means "insanity" as well - LUNACY
  • It's also a risk or a danger - HAZARD
  • Cats do this to their prey when hunting - POUNCE
  • Boneless chicken breast - FILLET
  • Dirty and untidy appearance - FROWZY
  • This bird preys on sick animals and can only hiss or snarl - VULTURE
  • When cooking, you add a liquid ingredient - DRIZZLE
  • He can perfectly ___ the moment in the photo - CAPTURE
  • A small, usually fruit, garden - ORCHARD
  • Cashew milk is considered ___ - NONDAIRY
  • Being full of rage and extreme anger - WRATHFUL
  • When a substance is easily evaporating, it is called ___ - VOLATILE
  • It also means allegiance or faithfulness to a person - FIDELITY
  • A group of individuals with a common national tradition - ETHNICITY
  • It's a proper name and the name of the holiday in February - VALENTINE
  • It's the male ruler of a tribe - PATRIARCH

Here are all 16 answers for Figgerits Level 425 in Flora. The full phrase comes out to be "When French colonists brought vanilla to Europe and Africa, no insect would pollinate the plant, which made it impossible to mass produce it. In 1841, Edmond Albius, a slave, invented a quick way of hand pollination that revolutionized the production of vanilla and that is used to this day."

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