Figgerits Sports Level 337

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Definitions & Words

  • A body part shared by many cute animals - TAIL
  • They don't pay a living ____, so I refuse to work there! - WAGE
  • What parts go round and round on a car? - WHEELS
  • Stradivarius is the most famous type of this - VIOLIN
  • What you watch in a cinema before a movie begins - TRAILER
  • Antonym of normal - STRANGE
  • His ___ to wash the dishes resulted in him getting punished - REFUSAL
  • Where will you most often see a helicopter? - HELIPORT
  • Neither too much nor too little - ENOUGH
  • Marie will openly ___ the rules if she doesn't like them - FLOUT
  • Nameless here for ___ - EVERMORE
  • What is the amount of time it takes for something to happen? - DURATION
  • Opposite of exterior - INTERIOR
  • And now a word from our network ____ - SPONSORS
  • A heavy type cover made of waterproof material - TARPAULIN

Here are all 15 answers for Figgerits Level 337 in Sports. The full phrase comes out to be "Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they have got a second."

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